dandy. He feels he has every human right, freedom and fairly reasonable social adjustment. The moment you start saying that homosexuals have lawful and moral rights to lead homosexual lives, then the fire-spitting starts. The heterosexual tyranny and dictatorship. is more gigantic than anything Hitler or Stalin ever dreamed up. Worst of all we find the Gay ones wanting to go along and conform to all this.
Dear ONE:
James R. Steuart San Francisco, Calif.
Thank you for Mr. Steuart's provocative and interesting essay. While not agreeing in general with his advocated solutions it is good to see intelligent homosexuals beginning to grapple with the moral question of their own position in society. Too long have they schooled themselves into untidily dishonest secretiveness about their own status.
Let us hope Mr. Steuart will have sufficiently enraged some of the supercilious into doing a bit of thinking on their own. How refreshing it might be to find in your future pages some more truly non-conformist ideas. Is Mr. Steuart by any chance subscribing to some elements of the philosophy of Ayn Rand?
Incidently, I just might be willing to discuss artificial insemination a little bit more fully. Miss K.
Dear ONE:
Youngstown, Ohio
Your March issue was one of the best yet! "The Scavengers," and "The New Butcher Boy, were especially noteworthy. Thank you for these stories. Keep them coming! I've always enjoyed your Magazine, since I am homophilic.
Dear Friends:
Mr. S.
I am rather tired of "experts" after a recent college summer session in which I learned that the experts are in most cases guessing, and then testing to try to "prove" what they have guessed. Have you ever surveyed the various so-called scientific publications to see how much agreement you can find in them?
It is discouraging to note those who still are using the Rorschach and other tests for determining mental and psychological leanings of persons, so categorizing them for employment, prison, etc., when scientists know that these and all present tests are worthless for such purposes. A good fortune-teller could do as well.
Mr. G. Baton Rouge, La.
Dear Editor Slater:
Many years spent in trying to help nervous and mental patients in our so-called neuropsychiatric hospitals have brought me and my co-workers into contact with your people and with the wrongs perpetrated against them by self-styled "normals."
We cannot understand why you use the false term "homosexual," for it is a contradiction in terms, unscientific and unnatural.
Talk about "variants": the variants, if any, are what H. L. Mencken termed the Booboisie, those who have the ignorance and the gall to stigmatize other fellow-humans. These are the same "good" "normals" who ostracize others. How scientific! How civilized they are not to mention how Christian!
Dear Sir:
Mr. E.
New York, N. Y.
After having read many clinical books on homosexuality I have come to the conclusion that it is not a perversion nor against nature, but a very definite part of nature. This conclusion was very definitely strengthened when in my travels I discussed the subject with leading doctors and scholars outside the JudeoChristian world.
To my surprise their ideas completely reverse the thinking and writing in our world. They accept homosexuality as one of the many facets of human sexual expression. It should be very heart-warming and psychologically reassuring, that in the world as a whole seventenths of the population do not look upon homosexuality as degenerate, perverse, shameful or against nature.
Instead, because of their many centuries of civilized development, they have come to realize that nature in all its infiniteness has made man a very variable animal, capable of expressing himself sexually in many ways.
It is so difficult to present such a misunderstood and controversial subject as homosexuality that I was pleased to find ONE the only book or magazine I have read that has the good taste to present the subject so honestly and sincerely.
The problem of a minority group is always hard to present and is so often misunderstood that even the best presentation is taken wrongly. In this modern day with all the advances in science you would think man would be more understanding of minorities and, instead of shunning them, would encourage them to join the community as an integral part of the whole for the good of the whole of mankind.
Mr. G.
Eau Gallie, Fla.